Message from the head of department

 Famous thinker Fukuyama states that the health sector of the 21st century has the same importance as the railways of the 19th century. Today, health services mean the same economic size, the same social driving force and well-being. The social service dimension of this sector, on the other hand, encompasses many aspects such as poverty, immigration, supporting the vulnerable and social justice that appear in modern society. With this perspective, the modern world has a great need for social services. Our department educates students equipped with a quality education with social awareness, commitment to duty and access to up-to-date information. We are waiting for all young people who want to take part in the healthy society of the future.


                                                                                                                                                                                                          Prof. Dr. Azize Serap TUNÇER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Head of Department